Bem-vindo a Mt. Airy Axis

Plans starting at $140/month
(scroll to bottom for details)

Membership Plans Visite-nos

Join us as a coworking member or host your event
at Mt. Airy Axis

Email or call (267) 223-5423 to Schedule a Tour

Nossos serviços

  • Coworking and Private Offices

    Flexible plans from hot-desks all the way to your own private office. Get a private office for as low as $700/month.

  • Salas de Conferência

    Disponibilidade de todas as nossas salas de reunião em tempo real. Solicite e gerencie reservas online.

  • Eventos

    Participate in community events or rent the space for your event!

Escolha seu plano

  • Light Member



    • Access to Mt. Airy Axis' workspace 5 days a month during regular business hours (M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

      $100 Conference Room Credits
  • Medium Member



    • Access to Mt. Airy Axis' workspace 3 days per week during regular business hours (M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

      $200 Conference Room Credits
  • Full Member



    • Extended access to workspace within Mt. Airy Axis.

      $300 Conference Room Credits
  • Dedicated Desk



    • Extended access to a dedicated desk within Mt. Airy Axis.

      $300 Conference Credits

Nossos produtos adicionais

  • Day Pass

    Gives you access to the space for a full day during regular operating hours (M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). No need to book ahead, just stop in.

    $35,00 Obter agora